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Niki Torres

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If you want to read more books, do these 3 things

In the US alone, the average person reads 3.8 books per month. I read about 9. If you want to know how I manage to do this despite working a full-time job, here's what you need to do. 1. Optimise for enjoyment If you're not

If you want to read more books, do these 3 things
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Aiming for enough in a world that wants us to want more

The root of all evil is not money—it's more. If I think about the world's biggest problems, it's mainly due to wanting more. More money, more control, more power. More users, more advertisers, and more reach. We want more of more, please! There&

Aiming for enough in a world that wants us to want more
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As a woman, these are the 3 books that changed how I move about the world

From the years 2017 to 2018, I died and was reborn thrice. Each time coinciding with a book that I read and finished. It sounds dramatic, but if I look back, it feels like there was me before these books and me after these books. So add these to your

As a woman, these are the 3 books that changed how I move about the world
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Why I need to talk about privacy

I thought privacy was just for the rich and famous. I'm neither of those, so my privacy isn't assaulted every time I step out of the house. Nobody cares who I'm dating, what I'm wearing, or where I'm eating. I

Why I need to talk about privacy
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How to live a life without regrets: 3 simple lessons from someone who doesn't have any

I am sure that if you dig up my history, you can pinpoint many areas where you ask, "Are you sure you don't regret THIS one? How about this event? This decision? This person???" My answer is always, "I don't." If you&

How to live a life without regrets:
3 simple lessons from someone who doesn't have any
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2 things I internalised to write with ease—after more than a decade of stressful writing

Writing is hard. Good writing is even harder. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either a liar or a psychopath, or both. Even the best writers know that writing doesn't get any easier. You just get better at sitting through the discomfort. You can build frameworks and systems

2 things I internalised to write with ease—after more than a decade of stressful writing
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How I tried and failed at meal planning for 10 years—and the 3 things that finally worked

As I write this, I've been making my meals 3 times a day for the past 10 weeks. Unfortunately, my previous track records have only lasted 7 days, sometimes even less. I feel terrific where I am and could tell that something has clicked. I feel confident that

How I tried and failed at meal planning for 10 years—and the 3 things that finally worked
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The life-changing habit of making my own bed

Since I became consistent in making my bed every morning, I can attest to it having a more positive effect on my day. In fact, I trace all other good habits as stemming from this one. Can it really be that simple? 5 reasons to make your own bed * Reason

The life-changing habit of making my own bed
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Real friends don't expect free work

We all know that real friends don't expect discounts. Real friends also don't expect their friends to work for free. It's understandable why it can sometimes feel like there is a fine line between asking for help and taking advantage. Of course, this is

Real friends don't expect free work
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Real friends don't expect discounts

If you've ever created something or sold something, you always have people ask for discounts. You're most often happy to give them, especially if they're friends. Everyone goes home happy!'re just starting out. You recently quit your steady job to

Real friends don't expect discounts