S2E9: On defining success and falling with grace - Rachel Kelly Davis and Danella Yaptinchay
Rachel and Danella join us in our show today because they know how to make it work even when the business is not working. They share with us how their friendship was strengthened by these challenges, as well as how, because of their friendship, they've found each other working together again.

About this episode
In today's episode, I'm delighted to share that I have two amazing ladies from the Philippines, Rachel Kelly Davis and Danella Yaptinchay. In the eight years they've known each other as co-founders, co-workers, and most importantly, friends, they know a thing or two on what it takes to work with each other.
We've all heard the advice that we shouldn't start a business with a friend. As we've seen in our episodes, that advice is a myth. One of the things we want everyone to walk away with when listening to Chief Best Friends, is that not all advice applies to us and our relationships. Similarly, we aren't here to preach that you should start a business with a friend but that it is possible. And for some of us, like Rachel and Danella, this works for them.
What you'll learn
- How friends help us go through hard times
- How to have practical discussions on the future your business
- How friends truly see us and our potential, serving as a mirror to our true selves
- How to use your gut in making decisions in life
- How success can be defined as how sustainable an endeavour is in the long run
- How to be comfortable with your choices
- Why done is better than perfect
Episode resources
- Witcher Series (Books)
- Strange Weather in Tokyo by Hiromi Kawakami (Book)
- The Power of Intuition How to Use Your Gut Feelings to Make Better Decisions at Work by Gary Klein (Book)
- Inspiring women: Kamala Harris, Jacinda Ardern, and mom
Connect with Rachel and Danella
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