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The productivity trap: Why apps won’t solve your workflow

Niki Torres
Niki Torres
1 min read

Ever wonder why we keep jumping from one productivity app to the next, hoping this one will finally change the game?

Truth: the problem isn't the tool. It's trying to squeeze our lives into someone else's system.

What if we stopped forcing it and flipped the approach?

  • Start with your system: Take a step back. How do you naturally work? What do you actually need to track, organise, or automate?
  • Then find the tool: Instead of chasing shiny features, look for something that fits your workflow, not the other way around. (I'm guilty of this too!)
  • Forget one-size-fits-all: The best tools feel like they were made for you because they work with your system.

I’m building out my ideal system right now. What’s your go-to tool that I should check out? 👀

BlogSystem Thinking


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