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Aiming for enough in a world that wants us to want more

Niki Torres
Niki Torres
1 min read
Aiming for enough in a world that wants us to want more
Photo by Bench Accounting / Unsplash

The root of all evil is not money—it's more.

If I think about the world's biggest problems, it's mainly due to wanting more. More money, more control, more power. More users, more advertisers, and more reach.

We want more of more, please!

There's more than enough

One of the things I have been actively working on these past few years is understanding what enough is for me.

I have tried to understand where that line is: starting from the smallest of things to the biggest of things.

  • Do I need 6 pairs of jeans? Or are 2 pairs enough?
  • Do I need a 3-bedroom house? Or is a studio enough?
  • Do I need to be a billionaire to retire? Or is a million enough?

I find that the answer isn't always going to be the lesser one. This isn't a contest for extreme minimalism. It's about being intentional with my actions.

Once I know where my threshold is, it's easier to say no to more, like saying no to more tote bags just because they're free.

Instead of more, get clear

What if I wanted more happiness, though? Isn't that a good thing?

It is. But only if I look deeper. Happiness isn't quantifiable so wanting more of it is a one-way ticket to...well, unhappiness.

Instead, what I want cannot be summed up as "more happiness" but the genuine desire for fulfilment, contentment, and peace.

Thinking about the life I want to live, I don't want to live it in a vicious cycle of wanting more. I don't want to end up like Diderot.

You could say that I'm more than happy with good enough.

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