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3 reasons why being lazy is a virtue

Niki Torres
Niki Torres
1 min read
3 reasons why being lazy is a virtue
Photo by Austin Distel / Unsplash

When I decided that I would start a podcast, I set out to make my life harder than it already is. I did everything myself, obsessed over every detail, and made sure that everything was perfect. In the end, I got exactly what I wanted; I burnt out fast and could not wait to do it all over again.

Doesn't that sound absurd? The crazy thing is, that's what most of us unknowingly end up doing. I was that crazy person for a long time until I embraced being lazy.

Being lazy has helped me pick up new skills, start and finish projects, and be a more chilled, less stressed human being. So I recommend everyone to embrace being lazy. Here are 3 specific reasons why.

Reason #1: Being lazy makes you work smarter

It's no joke when they say that if you want to get something done, ask a lazy person. Being lazy isn't about being afraid of work. It's learning how to set up systems so that you can let those systems work harder for you.

Reason #2: Being lazy helps you prioritise

Lazy people optimise for maximum enjoyment and ease. Being lazy isn't about not doing great work. It's knowing which work calls for perfection and which ones are good with "good enough".

Reason #3: Being lazy lets you jump on opportunities

Being lazy isn't about not wanting to do anything. Being lazy frees you up from time otherwise spent doing busy work. You'll have time to sharpen your skills and acquire new ones. And when opportunities come your way, being lazy means you have the energy to take them.

Ready to embrace being lazy? If you do, let me know—I'd love to connect and find out other ways being lazy has helped you.

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