How to quit fast and quit often—for people who don't like quitting but know they should
Quitting is not the same as giving up.
The dictionary defines quitting to also mean "to set free".
That's the energy I like to bring when quitting books and situations.
If you're having a hard time deciding whether to quit something or not, here are the top tips I have found most helpful.
Think expansion, not contraction
Whenever I want to quit something, it's hard not to feel guilty and the shame that comes with it.
There's a lot to unpack with these feelings, and there's no easy way around it.
However, if you think of quitting as setting yourself free, it feels more expansive. Because when you quit, you give yourself the space to move in the direction of your dreams.
That is so much better than being bogged down in a situation that no longer serves who you're becoming. Think about the other times you've quit and felt like a weight's lifted off your shoulder.
Why is that?
At its core, quitting is an act of expansion, not something we do out of fear.
Refine your emotional vocabulary
This brings me to this point: fear is a default emotion.
It's what we think of when our palms are sweaty, our heartbeat's elevated, and our senses heightened.
Over the years, I realise that our body exhibits the same reactions and may look and feel like fear. But it could be so many other emotions that are less negative than what we associate it with.
Instead of fear, could it be excitement, exhilaration, and euphoria?
Even when your fear tells you that it's about feeling inadequate or overwhelmed, that's a much helpful starting point.
Refining your emotional vocabulary helps you address what you're genuinely feeling fearful about.
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